Precision Ceramics Lead Time
July 26, 2018Advanced Ceramics in the Aerospace Industry
September 3, 2021Research Associate 2021 – Yves Geyer
Alfred University engineering student Yves Geyer served as Research Associate with GBC Advanced Materials from May 17th through August 20th, 2021.
Yves’ duties included learning various manufacturing duties surrounding the implementation of a camera system and multiple facets of production associated with an important customer product.
“During the summer of 2021, I was an intern at GBC advanced materials. The project that took up most of my time was installing the new camera system. This involved mounting the cameras and connecting each camera to a central server. I also worked on the production line for products and the inspection of pressed parts.
“From this work I learned many new skills that I can apply later in life. The most important lesson was that things take more time than expected to be completed. I experienced this while working on installing the cameras as I couldn’t always meet the goal I set myself for the day.
“Overall I had a wonderful experience working at GBC and can wait to return.”